Thursday 11 November 2010

A woman’s right to chocolate

Like so many girls in this world I have a chocolate addiction. It is really not that fun, as when you’re craving this wonder nothing will help unless you get a piece of chocolate.
I try not to keep any chocolate in my flat as I know I will eat some all the time. Of course in the weekends it is perfectly allowed, but it is still dangerous. There are so many fabulous chocolates out there, but my favourite actually comes from my own country Norway. And it is called Melkesjokolade. I promise, you cannot find anything better than this.

In the USA, Hershey’s chocolate is very popular, but I cannot really understand why. It has a weird taste and I find that it is difficult to put words on how I feel towards it. It is just not proper chocolate. I apologise if someone who is reading this is a big fan of Hershey’s, but I promise that if you go to Norway and try Freia Melkesjokolade you will understand what I’m talking about.
I love living in London, but one of the more difficult aspects around this situation is the cravings of sweets that you can only find in Norway. Every time I’m home I buy a few chocolate bars that I bring back to London. I want them to last as long as possible, but it is so hard. So if anyone has any advice how to get less addicted to chocolate, I’m all yours.
Dark chocolate is supposed to be good for you and that is a great excuse to eat chocolate. But I’m afraid that excuse does not refer to all kinds of chocolate. Which really is too bad.
Kjell Steinar and I have just discovered a chocolate here in London that is really good. It’s the Galaxy Caramel and it truly is amazing. Of course it is not plain chocolate, but it has that little extra. In my opinion Galaxy is the best plain, or caramel, chocolate in London.
One of the reasons why I am writing this now is because I have a big craving for chocolate right now. But I am going to be strong and wait until the weekend.  After all, it starts tomorrow.


  1. Jeg tror du glemte den ene melkesjokoladen jeg har her, og de to stratosene vi har hjem til deg ;p mmmm!

  2. åneidu, jeg har nok ikke glemt de ;) så du vet hva du må ta med hit imorgen ;) namnamnam


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