Monday, 14 March 2011

Featuring me.

I have been featured on Christianna’s lovely blog The Girl with the Blue Bow. I felt so honoured when she asked me if she could interview me for her blog, this is the first time someone has asked me to do this and of course I said yes. Her blog is fantastic so make sure you check it out. I also hope you’ll enjoy reading my interview, you can read it here. Thank you again, Christianna, for featuring me on your blog.


  1. Hi,
    Just stumbled upon your blog and I LOVE IT!!! Congratulations on the blog interview :)
    I am now your newest follower, I hope you will follow me too
    I look forward to your future blog posts :)

  2. i saw this post ^_^ nice feature! x

  3. i love it !!

  4. I shall check it out :)

  5. Congrats on your feature!! I'll check it out - and thanks for your visit to my Monday Madness post. Glad I can inform people about such things which I hope will never effect you or the people you love. Thing is, it's really not as uncommon as people think - information is crucial. Great that you see that and support my blog. Shah .X

  6. Congratulations! that is amazing on the feature=) you deserve it=) do you know how to speak in Norsk? I wonder if we can exchange comments i Norsk so I will keep learning...=)

  7. Congrats to you too!

  8. Hei Camilla,leste intervjuet,så morro å bli spurt om det da.Morro å lese,selv om det er på engelsk å jeg trenger å bli litt bedre i det. Så flotte kommentarer du får om bloggen din Camilla. Det fortjener du,ser det er en over her som vil kommentere på norsk til deg,morro da. Leste innlegget der du skrev om oss,det var snilt da,og arti.Vi har vært i Oslo i helga skjønner du.Så jeg har ikke hatt tid til å blogge.Ha en flott uke,klem

  9. Awesome congrats!! I am heading over to check it out:)

  10. Yay! Congrats on the feature! I'm off to check it out. xoxo

  11. Sweetened by Kagi - Thank you so much for your sweet comment =)

    Francesca - Thank you, glad you liked it =)

    Lady D - Thanks =)

    Krystal - Hope you liked it =)

    Shah - Thank you. And thank you for supporting me too, I really appreciate the friendship =)

    Dear Girl Wallflower - Thank you so much, you're so sweet. I do indeed speak Norwegian, I am from Norway. And of course we can exchange comments in Norwegian. Du kommer til å bli meget flink i norsk =)

    Roxy Heart - Thank you =)

    Tante Karin - Så morro at du leste det. Det setter jeg pris på. Jeg syns også det er koslig med alle kommentarene, det betyr så mye for meg. Så bra at du likte innlegget med dere, jeg koste meg masse den dagen. Håper dere hadde det fint i Oslo =)

    Ashley - Thanks, hope you liked it =)

    Jennifer Fabulous - Thank you, sweetie =)

    It-Girl - And thank you for your comment =)

    Kaleido Mind - Thank you so much =)

  12. congrats to you for being featured. going over to read the interview now!


Thank you for taking your time ♥ Your comments put a big smile on my face and I read and respond to every single one of them ♥

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