Friday, 4 March 2011

1 year and 6 months

Kjell Steinar and I have been together for 1 year and 6 months today. I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by. It seems like it was yesterday that I saw him for the first time and our wonderful adventure began. I never thought a relationship could be like the one we have, because it truly is amazing.

Last year he lived in Norway and I lived in London. We spent the first 9 months of our relationship like this and I was counting down the days until we could see each other every day. And it feels amazing to be able to see this wonderful man every day and to be with him. He came to visit me last year quite often and exactly one year ago we were spending this day together by having dinner in Chinatown and then we went to see the musical We Will Rock You. This year, now that we both live in London, we are going to dress up before going out to dinner at Preto and tomorrow we are going away for a little adventure. I am not going to reveal where, that is going to be a little surprise. I am very excited. As a gift for each other we have bought a coffee machine together! We have been talking about it for a while and now it really was about time and we are both so thrilled. 

I cannot wait until our date tonight. I have been such a girl about it lately and I picket out a dress and shoes days ago. He is more than I dreamed of and I cannot wait to spend more time with him. Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours.


  1. That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you. Enjoy it.

  2. Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours <3

  3. aww i so enjoyed all of the pictures of you guys....totally warms my heart!

  4. Awww you two are super cute! I'm happy for you. I'm in a long distance relationship... definitely not fun!

  5. This is beautiful. I so imagined you getting girlie rushes about your outfit and the fantasy of the evening - beckoning you and exciting you. I hop its all you hoped it would be. I hope you have what I found in my Hubs. I wonder every day what I did to deserve him. ;)

    Thanks for popping by and commenting on my poem. Means a lot.

    Shah from The Weekend Creation Blog Hop at

  6. Gratulerer med dagen begge to! Dere er nydelige!

  7. You two look like a perfectly happy couple, congrats on the big day! A coffee machine sounds like a wonderful gift, what a good idea. Have fun!

  8. what an amazing love story!, er du en Nordmann? Jeg vil jerne til ifolge blog du! Jeg am so eager to learn Norsk, even I am studying it now once en uke...jeg hoppe vi kan bli venner! beklager hvis skrive min are erroneous...=)

    ny follower din,

  9. Shybiker - Thank yu so much, my darling =)

    Kjell Steinar - You are my everything ♥♥♥♥

    Krystal - Thanks, they are some of my favourite pictures of us =)

    Twenty.Something - Thank you =) I know, long distance is so not fun, I am just glad we're not doing that anymore. Hope you two will be properly together soon too =)

    Shah - Thank you, my darling Shah. The evening was perfect. It went by too quickly though. And it warms my heart to hear that you and your hubs have a great time together, you deserve the best =)

    Comewhinewithme - Tusen takk, søte deg! Det er du som er nydelig =)

    Katie - Thank you so much =) We really are happy together. And I am so glad we bought the coffe machine, I absolutely love it =)

    Dear Girl - Thank you =) And yes, I am indeed Norwegian! I loved reading your Norwegian and I would love to be your friend and get to know you more =)

  10. Awww what a sweet post! Congrats on the milestone. :) You two are such a goodlooking couple. I especially adore that cute photo of you two kissing in front of the bookstore. Hehe. xo

  11. Thank you, sweetie. I really like that photo too, hihi =)


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