Saturday 6 November 2010

Thriller Live

Thriller Live is not exactly a musical, but a tribute show to the fans of the wonder that was Michael Jackson. You get to hear all of the famous songs, from when Michael Jackson was singing in the Jackson 5 and all of his solo hits. This show will take your breath away with its magic.

I am a huge musical fan, but a live concert of Michael Jackson’s music is actually the best I have ever seen. A show celebrating the life and career of this amazing man really could not have been any better. You can really understand why he was the King of Pop.

Thriller Live opened in January 2009 at Lyric Theatre here in London. It was only meant to run for a few months but because it was so popular it kept on running. And I am so glad it did, because I wouldn’t want to miss this for the world.

The show starts with Michael Jackson as a kid in Jackson 5, where we hear the songs ABC and I want you back and they are sung by a kid that has the most amazing voice I have ever heard in someone so young. In my opinion that was the best part of the first half in this concert.

There are four lead vocalists in this show, and they are all extremely talented. They bring new life to Michael Jackson’s songs, and they all have a special gift when it comes to this. They were changing who was singing, and in the second half of the show all of Michael’s hits came one after the other. It was the best show I have ever seen, and no one was sitting still as Smooth Criminal was playing. It was like seeing the music video, only on stage. Everything was spectacular, especially the dancing. It was like seeing Michael Jackson and the guy who was dancing his part clearly had studied his idol’s dance moves as it was flawless down to the very last detail. But next to this song they were also dancing and singing to Beat it, Dirty Diana, Billie Jean, Thriller, Man in the mirror and so many more. The second half of the show was clearly the best and you sit there wishing that they’d never be finished.

If you are a fan of Michael Jackson and his songs, then this is the perfect show for you. In my opinion it is the best show I have seen, and I find that there are no words to say how admirable it really was. To think that they were four lead singers doing what only one person used to do on stage truly is remarkable, and that is saying a lot about the performer Michael Jackson was.


  1. Hei,dette visste jeg ikke.. jeg er en STOR Michael Jackson fan,å må innrømme at jeg fikk tårer i øynene den dagen han døde...En fantastisk sanger å danser var han.Ingen over, ingen ved siden.Det er bare en Michael Jackson. Dette så helt fantastisk ut,jeg skjønner godt at dette slår an.Fantastisk musikk,å jeg kan ikke glemme stemmen hans da han var med som et lite barn i Jackson 5.Helt fantastisk! Åååhhh fikk lyst til å se dette altså.Du er heldig. Klem fra meg

  2. så bra dere likte den! Jeg klappa og hoia som en gal. Flott innlegg snuppis:-)

  3. Tankte Karin: Du bare må se den når du kommer til London, den er virkelig helt fantastisk. Så det er bare å si ifra når du kommer =)

    Johanne: Vi likte den helt sykt godt! Så skjønner at du likte den også, hihi. Du var nok ikke den eneste som var gal da du så den, klarte nesten ikke å sitte stille jeg =)

  4. I really wanted to see this.
    I'm a massive MJ fan,
    Do you know if its still on?
    MadameVilte xoxo


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