It is very easy to get to London Dungeon. I believe the easiest way is to take the underground to London Bridge Station, which you can find on the Northern and Jubilee Line. (See underground)
London Dungeon is almost a trip down history. You are in a small group of people where you are following one of the scary guides and they tell you terrifying stories from a long time ago. They are involving the people, sometimes a little too much in my opinion. I have to admit that I was quite scared when they put me in a cage and I was sure that something was going to happen to me. (This was the part when Kjell Steinar could not protect me.) Thank god nothing did, but I am not afraid to say that I was terrified.
Even though I get very easily frightened I absolutely do not regret going to this. It was a lot of fun and I would totally recommend going here. I would say that it is not suited for young children and people who get nightmares. Other than that, enjoy the tour!
Oj,så spennende!! Jeg er også lettskremt...Vet ikke om jeg hadde turd,men samtidig så er det noe i meg som trekkes mot det.Men huffameg... På en skala fra 1 til 10 (hvor 10 er ubeskrivelig skremmende) hvor skremt ble du? Jeg har lest masse om Jack the ripper og er litt fascinert av det,har sett bilder av ofrene hans,gurimalla.Jeg er i tvil om jeg hadde turd. Men jeg tror vi er på samme nivå når det gjelder hvor lettskremt vi er Camilla ;-)
ReplyDeleteDet er det samme her, man blir bare nysgjerrig. Jeg vil vel si at jeg ble skremt på en 8, hehe. Men det var skikkelig bra, trur nok at du skulle ha taklet det også =)
ReplyDeleteGreeat read thank you